
FTCC.f Membership Form

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Faith Transmission Christian Community Fellowship

Welcome to the official FTCC.f membership page. We are so happy that you will be a member of the faith transmission community. God has truly been merciful to us and he has carried us thus far to this point. We praise him and honor him! We are focused in passing the baton of faith to our next generation while equipping and training them in the faith. We are excited that you will be a member and we are so happy to have you in our fellowship.

We will not conceal them from their children, but tell to the generation to come the praises of the Lord, and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done. For He established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments. (Psalm 78:4-7).